As part of the enhanced program activities for Scholars in the Physician Faculty Scholars Program, the National Program Office has designed and produced a webinars-based curriculum to provide support and skills essential for their career development. The series started in 2010, and participation is restricted to PFSP current Scholars, alumni and National Advisory Committee members.
If you are one of the PFSP constituents and would like to view recordings of the webinars, please follow the link below and enter your username and password. Use of the materials is restricted to PFSP Scholars, alumni and National Advisory Committee members.
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June 2012 – "RWJF Program Wrap-up Webinar"
led by Iris Litt, M.D., RWJF PFSP National Director
April 2012 – “Gaining Visibility as a Leader”
led by Anne Wright, Ph.D., Senior Associate Dean, Faculty Affairs, University of Arizona College of Medicine
March 2012 – “The Promotion and Tenure Process”
led by David Stevenson, M.D., Vice Dean, Stanford University School of Medicine
February 2012 – “Working with Your Chair”
led by Ann Thor, M.D., Professor and Chair of Pathology, University of Colorado School of Medicine
February 2011 – "Research Results Influencing Policy”
led by Marie Michnich, Dr.P.H., National Director of The Robert Wood Johnson Health Policy Fellows Program
March 2011 – "A Primer on Good Grant Hunting at NIH”
led by Steven Katz, M.D., Professor of Medicine and Health Management and Health Policy at the University of Michigan
May 2011 – "Running a Team”
led by Mary Goldstein, M.D. and David Meltzer, M.D., members of the RWJF PFSP National Advisory Committee
May 2011 – "Scientific Writing – All the Questions You Always Wanted to Ask a Journal Editor”
led by Iris Litt, M.D., RWJF PFSP National Director, and Harold Sox, M.D., Chair, RWJF PFSP National Advisory Committee
June 2011 – "Writing Tricks of the Trade: A Workshop to Improve Scientific Writing Skills”
led by Michaela Kiernan, Ph.D., Senior Research Scientist, Stanford Prevention Research Center (SPRC), Stanford University School of Medicine
September 2011 – "Fireside Chat with NAC Members”
featuring Seth Eisen, M.D., Mary Goldstein, M.D., Amy Heneghan, M.D. and Gail Slap, M.D., members of the RWJF PFSP National Advisory Committee
October 2011 – "From Author to Reviewer and Onward”
led by Iris Litt, M.D., RWJF PFSP National Director, and Harold Sox, M.D., Chair, RWJF PFSP National Advisory Committee
February 2010 – "Subject Recruitment”
led by Sarah Wiehe, M.D., RWJF PFSP Class of 2010, and Associate Professor of Pediatrics, Indiana University School of Medicine
March 2010 – "Mentoring”
led by Hannah Valantine, M.D., Senior Associate Dean for Leadership and Diversity, Stanford University School of Medicine
June 2010 – "Dual Career Families”
led by Sabine Girod, M.D., Associate Professor in the Division of Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery at Stanford University
June 2010 – "Work-Life Balance”
led by Beth Martin, M.D., Clinical Assistant Professor of Hematology, Stanford University, and Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System
September 2010 – "Surviving Information Overload”
led by Odette Pollar, a nationally acclaimed author, newspaper columnist, speaker, trainer and consultant
October 2010 – "The Challenges and Pleasures of Qualitative Research”
led by Gary Fine, Ph.D., Professor of Sociology at Northwestern University and a 2010-2011 fellow at the Center for the Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford University
November 2010 – "Tireless Self Promotion”
led by Sherrie Kaplan, Ph.D., RWJF PFSP National Advisory Committee